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Bainbridge Academy of Excellence - OOC

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[14 Nov 2009|02:15pm]

So uhm... I haven't even checked this place in probably about 2 weeks... Is this place still alive or has it pretty much died out? :\
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[23 Oct 2009|06:16am]

Hey guuys! So I was wondering because it has been quiet and we've the lost wonderful KJ :( I hope that the rest of you are still interested in keeping this game alive? Coz I dont want to see it die now!!! So does anyone have ideas how to bring it back alive? We should still search for new members maybe they can help bring it back to life. Because, personally, I dont want to see this game biting the dust, as Im not in many others as it is. Thanks!
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Poor Baby :[ [20 Oct 2009|08:02pm]

Just wanted to give everyone a little heads up: I may be scarce (but still around!) for the next day or so. Tonight will be a VERY long night. Zackary just had his first set of shots at 2 months. He's pretty fussy and sore and confused on why he's in so much pain! So...yes. LONG NIGHT. I may be scarse or I may be around more than normal due to not getting much sleep at all. Sooo that's what's up with Mikka/James/Paige-shaped :D Just a lil update and all.

Though I gotta say, all things considered, Zack is doin' pretty good with the whole thing.

Did I ever show ya'll any pics? )
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[20 Oct 2009|06:53am]

I know most of ya'll have about a billion characters around here butttt I was wondering if anyone might be up for picking up the love interest line for Mikka. Jim Sturgess PB. Details in her journal.
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[18 Oct 2009|02:52pm]

hey guys. Sorry I kinda died. Things got crazy in real life and I'm not sure when or if they'll get back to normal. So for now I am going to have to pull Jessa out of the game. Thanks for making me feel welcome and, who knows? maybe I'll be back!
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[13 Oct 2009|06:26am]

So ya'll know how I'm always complaining about how limited my replies are when I'm on my cell? Can't believe I didn't think of this before, but that's about to change! Still won't have internet via computer at my house as we can't afford it still BUT I can just reply with back-to-back comments. A lil annoying, maybe, and not as neat-looking but hey, it works right?! I kinda feel like that might have been holding back alot of my play around here and it's really such a simple solution! That'll be okay, right?
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[01 Oct 2009|09:51pm]

If anyone wants to play/plot or even just chat, catch me on PheonixFireBlack tonight! I'm on via cell, can't get to my RP name. Just tell me which of my 3 you wanna play with haha!
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[20 Sep 2009|11:06am]

Well, I've been trying to get AIM screen names for James & Mikka, won't let me. Keeps telling me there's an incomplete/missing field, but I've got everything filled in. Don't know what the deal is. So I guess Paige remains the only one that has one. Kinda annoying me.... oh well. I guess either just IM me on her name or my OOC PheonixFireBlack! I've been trying this crap all week and it still hates me!

Also...does anyone wanna play with Mikka? Cause I'm like...DYING to play her right now XD
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[19 Sep 2009|12:14am]

Hello, you guys! It's Kayla here with another kid to offer up! haha. I don't know if I ever officially made an OOC introduction anyway so...I'm gonna sum up all 3 of my kids while I'm here!

[info]turnmypaige, my original chicka here, Paige Manning. She's a total party girl and Joey is pretty much her best friend. She likes to have a good time and doesn't care what she has to do to get that. She can be manipulative and kind of bitchy when she wants to, but she generally just tries to have a good time. Currently she's not got too much going on, aside form one big plot thing that's gonna be pretty wild. haha. Anyway... she's up for anything if anyone needs a fuck buddy or something along those lines!

[info]james_novak, my second kid. He's from an absuive/drug-infested homelife. His old brother Jackson saved him and his twin sister [info]jamienovak from the evilness that was their parents home. Jackson has a payment plan worked out with the school for the twins to be able to attend. James is dating [info]dancingstasia, but aside from that, he's pretty open as far as lines go!

and this girl here is my newest, [info]mikka_valo! I've had this girl for awhile, I just haven't RPed her in a long time. She's a bit of a spazz and loves doing random things just to shock people. She's daughter of an ex-model & a rock & roll lead man. She hates the fame and is trying to avoid being in the limelight. She needs any/all lines you can think of. She's a Sophomore and this is her first year at Bainbridge! People who know stuff about her via gossip shows/tabloids/whatever could be interesting haha

Any plots/ideas/etc... are welcome! Especially for Mikka! lol!
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[15 Sep 2009|11:30pm]

Alright, y'all. This is Samantha, call her Sam. She's just been hired for the nursing staff at Bainbridge. She's 20, just out of nursing school and she came here. She hails from a long line of medical professionals and she's not a hundred percent sure what she wants to do but she's liking being a practical registered nurse for now. She graduated two years ago from Bainbridge so she's an alumni. Her other greatest love here was swimming. So she's up for helping out the team now whenever they need it. If anyone can think of anything, feel free to hit me up, I love plottage. My AIM is pikespeakqueen. And Sam's AIM is now thenurseishere.
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Plottage! [13 Sep 2009|06:42am]

I really have been neglecting Paige alot lately. Oops. Anyone wanna plot something with her? My brain is screaming "ONE NIGHT STAND!" lol but I'm up for anything. She's throwing a party in the next few days (as soon as my husband goes outta town for work & i'm back at a computer lol) so things could definitely happen!
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[21 Aug 2009|08:00pm]

Hi guys! My name is Aimee, I'm a newbie here. And this girl is Chiharu Rose Bayne. Unusual name for someone who's not Asian, right? Well, basically, her mother has an odd fascination with Japanese culture, thus, naming her first born a Japanese name. She takes pride it in frankly. Anyways, she's got a pretty rough past. She has only been in the school for two years, but prior to that, she was involved in the tough gang life. Drug dealing, guns, knives, etc. She was sick of it, so she moved in with her grandmother. Her very rich grandmother, and now, she's in this lovely school.

Her personality is pretty much blunt. She comes off as if she absolutely hates you, but that's just her face. XD She's pretty much a nice person, isn't afraid to get physically close, but is afraid to get emotionally close. Nobody knows about her past about being in a gang and her previous struggle with her family and money. So basically, most of her stuff is in her journal, if you want to check that out.

A few storylines are in order, yes? Maybe a person or two who knows about her past. It's up to you how they react to it. A best friend (because we all wantz de friendz) And anything else you can come up with! I'm pretty much an open book with her.

ANNND I just made an SN for her. It's chiharubamf.
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New Guy...kinda haha [18 Aug 2009|07:14pm]

Hello you guys! It's Kayla with a second character. This is James Novak. He's from a pretty shitty little situation in Houston. He knows Paige (they partied together back in Texas a few times) and he lives with his brother, Jackson, who is his & his twin sister's legal gaurdian. His father was abusive and drug-addicted and his mother neglectful, and he hates his father and resents his mother. He's very close to his older brother and twin sister, Jamie. He started going to Bainbridge in his Sophomore year (he's a Senior now) after Jackson pulled some strings and worked out payments with the school.

James is a pretty laid back guy. He likes to party, but only sometimes and never too heavily because he's completely against ever turning out to be like his father. James tends to go with the flow, but he's very protective of his twin sister and people of the male presuasion should be warned.

I'm open to any kinda line. This is his (and Jamie's) final year. Soo....he's bound to know some of the people that have been here for awhile. Friends, enemies, love interests, whatever! I'm up for anything. Also, someone to play his twin sister, Jamie (Michelle Tratchenburg PB, preferably) would be awesome too!

[Edit]: Storlines wanted can be found here if anyone wants to check them out!

I'm hoping to be around a little more with James & Paige both. Buttt....I'm not back in full force, being with a newborn and all. I'll try to be around as much as I can though.
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Baby's Here! [11 Aug 2009|03:05pm]

My babyboy finally decided to show himself yesterday! Just letting ya'll know cause I might drop off completely for awhile. maybe not, i may have a lil more time on my hands than I think but we'll just have to see! Mods - if the James Novak app is accepted, he'll have to be on hiatus too!
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Another Update [16 Jul 2009|11:20am]

Sorry for not being around alot lately guys! It's just hard only being able to get online via my phone & that's only when it cooperates as my signal is sometimes too low haha anyway, only being 19 days from my due date, I think for the time being I'm gonna go on hiatus. Labor will be soon & after that, I won't be able to focus on anything except the baby for awhile. I may pop in every now & then but I'll let you guys know when I'm officially back (or if I have to officially drop out)!
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